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We give music a home.

dreamshelter | We give music a home.

Dreamshelter Festival 2025

14. & 15.06.2025 Allgäu | Bavaria | Germany

5 Years Dreamshelter Festival #givingmusicahome

14.06.2025 - Festival

14.06. - 15.06.2025 Workshop & Festival Pass (Limited to 50 people)

Dreamshelter Music Germany | Hopferau | Wiedemen

Festival Adress

Zimmerei Hauser

Wiedemen 158

87659 Hopferau

please follow the signs!

New! Camping & Vanlife is possible this year!

Please buy your ticket including camping.

Children until 12 years have free entry!

Students & disabled people reduced Tickets (proof required)

(Companion ticket free entry)

Programm (March 2025

Saturday June 14th

9 Uhr Yoga with Leonie
10 Uhr Breathwork and Meditation Felix Schwarz-Gewallig
11 Uhr Ice Bathing with Felix Schwarz-Gewallig

12 Uhr Mittagspause

14. Juni

9 Uhr Yoga with Marie
10 Uhr Breathwork und Meditation Felix Schwarz-Gewallig
11 Uhr Icebathing with Felix Schwarz-Gewallig

12 Uhr Lunch & Entry Day Visitors

14 - 16 Uhr Family programme

17 Uhr Talentstage

18 Uhr Musicprogramme


soon to be announced


Sunday 15th

9 am Yoga with Marie

10 am Breathwork and Meditation Felix Schwarz-Gewallig

11 am Ice Bathing with Felix Schwarz-Gewallig

11 30 am Soundhealing with Marie



10 years of #givingmusicahome

Dreamshelter Festival 2025

*gefördert durch Popkultur Schwaben

Neu! „The Perfect Song“ für for Artists & Media

Get your first personal feedback with Tom


Not sure which service you need? Get initial feedback from Tom.

In a first Zoom meeting, you’ll discuss your goals and wishes with Tom and find out how we can bring you closer to your “perfect song.”

Alternatively, you can use our online form to send us your initial ideas.

Der neue Dreamshelter Artist Fond - Jetzt für 2025 jungen Künstlern eine Plattform bieten

Featured work

Dreamshelter Festival Playlist 2025 - follow us on Spotify

Levin Deger: Rapperswiler Ufer

Moira: Another Lesson

Katharina Busch: Try Try

Mercedes Benz: Trailer E-Klasse

Levin: So I'll wait

Tom Hauser: Ab Richtung Mond

Devi Reith: The world is sound

Highend productions for artists & brands

We produce music for artists, film and media. Since 2014, our young, vibrant and groundbreaking team has been giving the artist, film and media partners the feeling of coming home. It’s very important for us to make our partners feel comfortable with us if it comes down to realizing the musical implementation and transformation of their projects. This realization is reached through that personal, relaxed and very creative atmosphere, in which our customers' wishes and dreams can become reality. From the first idea until the finish of your projects we support and escort our partner in a pleasant and personal way. This is on the highest musical and technical level.

Beyond that, we are exactly the right associate for our customers to release the produced music and to get it licensed.

Services for artists

We support artists at every stage of the production process: from the first consultation to publication.

Music for film & media

We create the custom soundtrack for your film and produce the adequate music for your commercial or corporate identity. Or you can choose from our large archive of ready made tracks. You're welcome!